Read stories from patients and team members across the country.

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"There’s always a silver lining, you just have to find it." - Patient Journey of living with FND

“Even before having functional neurological disorder (FND), I was no stranger to chronic illness. I had already been suffering from severe chronic inflammation since 2017 with little treatment success. Despite my “experience” the morning my FND set in was traumatizing. My husband and I had just gotten back from a vacation to Amsterdam, and I […]

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"Thank you RWW for giving me my Husband back!"

When Kevin retired in January 2023, his retirement life dramatically changed when he sustained a traumatic brain injury the following May. Kevin required multiple neurosurgeries to manage his brain injury and required inpatient care for over two months. He was discharged to his home with Rehab Without Walls neuro rehab services in September that same […]

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“I knew RWW wanted me to succeed": Patient Overcomes Vertigo

Upon coming to therapy at RWW, Mariah’s main goals she wanted to accomplish were to regain her balance so she wouldn’t be a fall risk and she was wanting to be more independent in her home so she wouldn’t be as reliant on her walker. Mariah worked with Austin, a therapy student at the time, […]

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Patient Reconnects with Love of Writing After Stroke

Maureen came to SWAN Rehab, a Rehab Without Walls Clinic, as a stroke survivor after suffering a stroke about eight years prior. She had awoken from a nap feeling a strange sensation when she quickly realized the left side of her body was completely paralyzed. Eventually Maureen was able to call 911 and she received […]

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A Story of Resilience: Recovery After Traumatic Brain Injury

“I know an injury is certainly not easy. It may feel slow and there are many moments where you feel discouraged and alone. I know it feels hard a lot of the time. I know what it feels like when nothing seems to be going right. I suggest doing your best to be thankful for […]

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Patient with 35-year-old TBI Makes Significant Improvements with RWW!

In March of 2023, Rehab Without Wall’s occupational therapists Robert Paul and Ally Vallo, were given a unique opportunity to visit the home of Roger to complete a thorough home evaluation and make necessary recommendations for improving safety and reducing fall risk. Recommendations were made for multiple grab bars to be placed into Roger’s bathroom […]

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