Paralyzed African-American male veteran who sitting in wheelchair outdoors. Paralyzed African-American male veteran who sitting in wheelchair outdoors.

Community Reintegration Program (CRP)

Community Reintegration Program (CRP)

Embark on your journey to recovery with our Community Reintegration Program, tailored for individuals who have experienced brain injuries such as strokes, traumatic brain injuries, cognitive conditions, spinal cord injuries, amputations, or other catastrophic incidents. While initial rehabilitation in the hospital focuses on restoring physical function and enhancing basic self-care and cognitive skills, achieving your optimal functionality often requires ongoing support post-discharge.

Our specialized program is designed to reintegrate you into the community, helping you become the best version of yourself. We address your unique goals through one-on-one and small group sessions, fostering skills that can be seamlessly applied in real-life scenarios—be it at home, work, school, or during recreational activities. Facilitated by a dedicated interdisciplinary team comprising occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, peer mentors, physical therapists, clinical social workers, and neuropsychologists, our approach is comprehensive and personalized.

Explore the range of services offered by our Community Reintegration Program:

  • Home Integration
  • Social Integration
  • Self-Perception Skills Building
  • Community Mobility
  • Independent Living Skills Training
  • Interpersonal Relationships Training
  • Vocational Exploration & Implementation
  • Return-to-Driving
  • Return to Work & School Programs
  • Mentorship
  • Resource Facilitation
  • Caregiver Training


Take the next step toward a fuller, more independent life by enrolling in our Community Reintegration Program.

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