Read stories from patients and team members across the country.

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Patient Gardening Again After Stroke

“The NEUBIE* has been a game changer for me, as well as the coaching to address ‘bad habits’ I’d learned between my last round of therapy and now.” – Janice “I had my stroke in July 2021, and went to a different clinic for my physical and occupational therapies until I came to Level Eleven […]

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Patient "Sparks" a New Future with Vocational Rehab Job Coaching

“I am very grateful for the wonderful opportunity. I think God gave me a chance to return a favor for all the people, opportunities, organizations, and my family who have helped me overcome my disabilities throughout my life.” – Raymond M., Jr. The clinicians at Rehab Without Walls are dedicated, highly skilled, and experienced in […]

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"I Returned to Work Three Months Early!" A Patient Success Story

“My therapists were amazing! They came with positive energy and from the first 10 minutes I felt very comfortable with them. ” – Tara R. “On July 14, I went into Maine Medical Center for a routine gall bladder removal surgery, a Cholecystectomy, and while in recovery I had a stroke. I lost movement on […]

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Colman O'Connor to speak at Brain Injury Association of America Conference

A former patient of ours, Colman O’Connor, will be sharing his survivor story and be giving the Beverley Bryant Memorial Lecture at the Brain Injury Association of America – Maine (BIAA-ME) 14th Annual Conference on Defining Moments in Brain Injury on September 28, 2023. Born and raised in Boston, Colman O’Connor has made his home […]

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Patient Able to Maintain "Dream Job" After Suffering TBI

Jason came to Rehab Without Walls after suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Our team of rehabilitation specialists helped him to gain and maintain employment. Jason’s outcome went way beyond anyone’s expectations. At the final family conference, his mom was in tears expressing her gratitude for what it meant to Jason professionally and personally. His […]

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Patient Succeeds after Stroke with Driving Focus Rehab at PRA

Rehabilitation is not something that is “done” to an individual, like a procedure or a surgery. The individual must be committed and do the work. Geoff required rehabilitation after a stroke, and he embraced the process from day one. His program included physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Pairing physical with the emotional, neuropsychology services were […]