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Ricky Continues to Improve After Gunshot Wound

Ricky experienced a traumatic brain injury as a result of a gunshot wound while working in 1989. Since then, he’s participated in numerous post-acute brain injury programs, all resulting limited progress.

With the assistance of his Case Manager, Ricky was admitted to RWW San Marcos in March 2023. He was wheelchair bound, experiencing worsening dysphagia, and required maximum assistance for all transfers and activities of daily living (ADLs). Ricky, the interdisciplinary, and treatment teams all worked together resulting in substantial progress.

Ricky’s diet was upgraded allowing him to be more functional during meals and requiring less modification. Physically, he is now ambulating with the use of AFOs and a rolling walker. He improved his transfers and ADLs and is now more independent overall.

Ricky is a testament of what can be achieved when case management and the right treatment approach join hands that progress is possible, even years following a brain injury.


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