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Savanna Oaks Ranch Treatment Center
Fort Worth, Texas


Built in 2019, Pate’s treatment center at Savanna Oaks Ranch is a state-of-the-art facility specifically designed for neurorehabilitation. It is located on a beautifully wooded 16-acre lot in a flourishing area of Fort Worth. The treatment center is adjacent to our inpatient residence for easy access.


Our clinic staff are dedicated professionals committed to providing an exceptional level of care, service, and safety for our patients and their families. Our therapy teams create a genuinely caring and supportive atmosphere. The expert staff, modern facilities, and warm environment combine to offer an ideal setting for patients to recover, learn, strengthen, and realize their potential.


Visit Pate’s website today.


Therapy Program and Services

Physical Therapy

Our team of physical therapists blend traditional manual therapy with a variety of complementary modalities including technology and aquatic based therapies to promote proper movement and function.

Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapy practitioners utilize a holistic approach where the focus is on adapting the environment and/or task to each individual. In all our settings, the individual, family, and care team are an integral part of the plan. The holistic approach utilized by our team enables individuals of all ages to live life to the fullest along with promoting health.

Speech Language Pathology

We offer an evidence-based, person-centered, meaningful approach to meet our individual’s communication and life goals. We work with individuals, their families, and their support teams to help them re-learn the skills needed to succeed in daily life.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Our vocational therapy evaluates the individual’s abilities to fit into a job or career that will allow them to thrive.


We perform comprehensive neuropsychological assessments to determine what cognitive issues, or psychosocial factors may be present. We then meet with individuals and their families to discuss the diagnosis, prognosis, or issues related to the recovery process and the rehabilitation program, along with provide recommendations for successful reentry into prior activities, such as school or work.


As an additional layer of support, at Rehab Without Walls, we provide counseling services that assist with an individual’s cognitive and emotional recovery to achieve their personal goals.

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy or water-based therapy can be a beneficial addition to traditional physical therapy targeting balance, gait, strength and flexibility. Our therapy pools include underwater treadmills with cameras to help guide and enhance treatment.

Return to Driving

Pate is one of the few programs to offer a driver rehabilitation evaluation and training program. Driver Rehabilitation Specialists, certified by the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Services (ADED), provide gold standard on-the-road training, as compared to driving simulators, to best prepare participants for real world conditions. The program is included at no additional cost for all Pate Rehabilitation patients who medically qualify and is also available to others outside of Pate Rehabilitation for a reasonable fee.

Assistive Technology

At Rehab Without Walls® we provide assistive technology including equipment, software programs, and devices that can assist individuals with communication, activities of daily living, home modifications and environmental controls.

Available Care Settings

Man getting Physical Therapy

Day Treatment Program

Our Day Neuro Outpatient Program at Pate is tailored for individuals who no longer require round-the-clock supervision during their brain injury or stroke rehabilitation. This unique program empowers you to remain at home while receiving treatment. Eligibility for this program is often determined by the severity of your brain injury. The Day neuro treatment is offered from 9:00-3:30 pm Monday through Friday with opportunities to modify individual schedules based on treatment needs or other factors when necessary.

Day Treatment Programs
PT working with patient at home

Residential Facility

24/7 care plus, intensive neuro rehab for individuals who need a safe and supportive living environment between hospital and home. The Pate Rehab Savanna Oaks Ranch treatment center provides Brain Injury and Stroke rehabilitation to residence of our Residential facility.

Residential Facilities

Video Tour of Savanna Oaks Ranch

Learn more about the Pate Rehab specialized Residential and Day Treatment programs.

Learn More about Pate Rehab

How Can We Help You?