Our employees truly do go above and beyond for our patient care. Meet Denver! He has booked his first flight this July since his spinal cord injury.
Since his Spinal Cord Injury, he and his wife were very apprehensive about flying, what it would look like, and how they would be able to pull it off. Kelsey our occupational therapist and LeeAnn our recreation therapist have been working with Denver for a few months. A huge shoutout to LeeAnn who was able to schedule a session at the Detroit Airport with Delta airlines so they can practice getting Denver through security, on and off of the aisle chair and onto the plane, communicate with air travel staff regarding any concerns in flight, where his wheelchair be placed on the plane, and other details in between.
Huge kudos to the team and going above and beyond to help our patient meet his goals.
Delta Airlines has also been working hard on their own disability service program and they were thrilled to have Denver for this session. They want more people with disabilities to come and see they can travel and that the airlines will make it happen for them. They want to educate more individuals like Denver about this program, where individuals can come practice their transfers and general mobility throughout the airport and airplane with assistance.