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Overcoming a Stroke at only 12 years old

In September 2024 at only 12 years old, Bella F. was attending her gym class at school just like any normal day when she felt “my brain just stopped working”. After school on the bus ride home the driver noticed she was dragging her right side and had a ride-sided facial droop. Once home, they took her directly to the emergency room where they concluded Bella had suffered a stroke.

Following her stroke, Bella had to wear an arm sling, ankle brace and had to use a wheelchair or walking aid for mobility. She also could not write, shower, crochet, or play her clarinet, and reduced attending school to half days.

Bella started therapy at Rehab Without Walls in October 2024. Since being with RWW, she is no longer using a sling, brace, or walking aid, and is attending full days at school. She is traveling to school on her normal bus without requiring any assistance. Bella is back to writing, walking, jumping, and playing in gym class. Bella said thank you to all her therapists and a special shout out to Daniel for playing tag with her and always making therapy fun!

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