On a nice spring day, 37-year old Sadia was crossing the street when she was struck by a car traveling at a high rate of speed. She was thrown 20 feet, and when she struck the ground, lost consciousness. Once she reached the hospital, work-up revealed bilateral temporal lobe subarachnoid hemorrhages, right anterior temporal lobe parenchymal contusion and multiple orthopedic and internal injuries including facial fractures, liver and bladder lacerations, left leg fractures, bladder rupture and fractures of the spine. Sadia was intubated and placed in a pelvic binder and left femur traction splint. She remained in post-traumatic amnesia for a 3-week period.
Sadia was transferred to a hospital for acute inpatient rehabilitation. During rehab, she was evaluated by a rehabilitation neuropsychologist. Initial testing revealed low average attention, severe language impairment, low average immediate memory, mildly impaired delayed memory and moderately impaired visuospatial functioning. She participated in almost three months of rehab and was discharged home with her family. Three days later, Sadia was admitted to Rehab Without Walls NeuroSolutions for comprehensive neurorehabilitation services.
Rehab Without Walls provided Sadia with five hours of treatment per day, five days per week. This intense treatment plan allowed Sadia to build her endurance across all domains. Despite pain from the multiple fractures, she always had an “I can and I will” attitude, performing what was asked of her, setting goals for herself and telling her therapists, “We’ll do it!” She made miraculous recovery in her rehabilitation process.
Initially, her fatigue, pain, weakness and reduced endurance were significant barriers in all areas of her rehabilitation. Sadia walked with a front wheel walker but her gait was significantly impaired and she had a terrible limp. Sadia’s physical therapist described her as “one of the hardest working people I have ever had the privilege to treat.” This determination in physical therapy would pay off as she would eventually advance from the walker to a cane with a quad pod.
Sadia was determined to attain her pre-injury level of performance. The occupational therapist worked with Sadia on many skills related to caring for her son and her home. As expected, Sadia went above and beyond. Sadia learned to cook for herself and her young son and was able to organize and prepare meals for many people as she did prior to the accident.
Sadia was an active participant in the Rehab Without Walls Farmer’s Market. She worked in the lunch booth during the busiest part of the day, and then, finished the job by washing the dishes at the close of the market. As Sadia continued to press toward her goal to return to work, she volunteered to do data entry, arriving early and working hard throughout the day. She was determined to improve her skills and abilities.
Because of her hard work, and the work of the Rehab WIthout Walls’ committed and professional neurorehabilitation team, Sadia has been able to make the transition from patient to person. She has returned to work, but even more crucial, Sadia has been able to continue in her most important role as mother to her young son. It was a long journey for her and her family. With patience, perseverance and can-do attitude, she has returned to a quality of life at her highest level of independence and safety.